About us

About us

Maiwald Engineering is a 100% corporate spin-off of the Technical University of Chemnitz. The basic idea of this new company is to make the current research in the field of multi-body CAE simulation directly usable for industrial customers.
Managing director Prof. Dr.-Eng. A. Maiwald has explored new simulation methods in the context of three research projects and successful industrial cooperation, which were extensively verified experimentally and awarded several scientific prizes. These simulation methods form the basis of business at Maiwald Engineering. The focus is on the core competencies roller bearing creeping (slip/relative movements between the roller bearing ring and the connecting component) and generally realistic simulations of slip/relative movements in the contact surfaces of contacting components. The simulation results can be combined with friction and wear tests. This enables the estimation of wear volume and operating life of a dynamically loaded contact - even before the first real component has been manufactured. Our expertise is complemented by stress and structural analysis, the calculation of component deformations and failure analysis.
In addition, there is considerable experimental expertise in the areas of tribology, friction, wear and lubrication. We are also able to perform coefficient of friction and wear measurements and component tests on several test benches in cooperation with the Technical University of Chemnitz. Maiwald Engineering, therefore, combines the skills of CAE simulation and experimentation to create a unique combination.

Maiwald Engineering - Your FEM / CAE expert!

Core competencies

Roller bearing creeping

Roller bearing creeping

Recognise and fix the damages of tomorrow - even today!


Slippage & wear

Slippage & wear

Reversible or Irreversible - That´s the question!


Structrual analysis

Structural analysis

Always one step ahead of the future!


Failure analysis

Failure analysis

Learning from failures
